Your generous donations help support the following programs!

Go Seniors! Transportation Program Empower our seniors with the freedom of mobility! Our Go Seniors! Transportation Program provides free e-vouchers for patients 60+ to attend essential healthcare appointments within Pensacola. Each voucher is a $20 value, ensuring reliable access to doctor visits, and visits to pharmacies. This initiative keeps continuity in care a reality for our elderly community.

Blood Pressure Cuff Program Take heart health into your own hands! The ECMS Foundation's Blood Pressure Cuff Program distributes home monitors to patients in financial need across Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. With over 70,000 people living below the poverty line in our area at risk for heart disease, our goal is to provide the tools for regular health checks, reduce emergency visits, and support cardiac wellness. Help us extend this lifeline by contributing to our cause.

Music: Just What the Doctor Ordered Healing harmonies are on the way with our newest venture: "Music: Just What the Doctor Ordered." In collaboration with Jazz Pensacola, we're hosting monthly concerts in local hospital lobbies to offer the therapeutic power of music to patients, families, and healthcare workers. Music's proven benefits on mental health and stress relief harmonize perfectly with our mission of compassionate care, and we're excited to bring this melodious solace to our medical spaces.

Physician Wellness Program: Helping Healers Heal In the demanding world of medicine, even healers need support. The Physician Wellness Program offers our member physicians a confidential sanctuary for wellness coaching, tackling the unique stresses of their professional and personal lives. Created to ensure those who care for others have a place to be cared for themselves, this program strengthens the heart of healthcare: our doctors' well-being. Support this initiative to keep our physicians at their best, for a healthier community overall.

Don't want to donate online? No problem! 
You can also mail your donation check to the address below:
4771 Bayou Blvd, #157
Pensacola, FL 32503

ECMS-Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization: 59-1514947

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